Monday, March 1, 2010

Andy Jacks.

I was trying to draw Andrew Jackson from memory (on the left) then someone let me use a twenty as reference (for the one on the right), BUT I didn't finish it because they took it back. I'm annoyed by the fact that Andy Warhol and his same two quotes are on every page of this sketchbook. Micaela Ruiz did a great update and I'm naturally biased because she mentions me (and Shelby). It is officially March and thank goodness for that. March is going to be good. MARCH MADNESS.


Brad said...

wow that would prove to be some challenge drawing a. jack from memory. i guess i dont have 20 bucks often enough to know what he looks like. i like your sketches, that cat is great!

Veronica Bayagich said...

Haha that little person with the bomber hat on looks like my sister!

Anonymous said...