Sunday, March 14, 2010

Minus 15 Fahrenheit.

I went to the library again. I swear, it's a refuge for me. I watched Rebel Without A Cause and it felt like The Outsiders meets Catcher in the Rye kind of. I find myself enjoying a lot of junior fiction, but I do have several Kerouac books to serve as a bit of a challenge and challenges are always welcomed. Any recommendations?I had a talk with Shelby about things. She thinks I need to give up on certain aspects of my life that I can't change; including people. It's difficult to know what to do when my heart and mind refuse to feel one way or the other on those particular matters.


Tomás Serrano said...

Joseph Conrad's "Heart of the Darkness" and "Apocalypse Now"

Nikki DeSautelle said...

Junior fiction is my favorite, and I've read a ton of it. I could rec you some of those I gotta make a list. I was at one point something of a connoisseur.

Anonymous said...

just keep on reading and never stop. read everything.

Anonymous said...

just keep on reading and never stop. read everything.