Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Alexander Hamilton.

I am beyond excited and proud to debut this piece I just finished up of the incomparable Lin-Manuel Miranda as Alexander Hamilton. I feel like my portraiture has taken on a new life with this piece and I'm really seeing my progress and evolution. You can pick yourself up a print of it if you'd like over on my etsy! I'm not throwing away my shot to post this out there and hope Lin-Manuel himself sees this!

Friday, January 14, 2022

Is There Life on Mars?

Really making a conscious effort to create things that really reflect a style and how I want it to work. So, I present David Bowie! I've done David Bowie before, but I wanted to try a new portrait in this style. I think it really worked here with the colors. Bowie pushed fashion and stereotypes. I guess I wanted to reflect that here. I took lyrics from the song and also created visual imagery inspired by the lyrics around him. You can pick up a print if it catches your eye on my etsy by clicking HERE!

Thursday, January 6, 2022

All Hail the May Queen!

Kicking 2022 off with a portrait of Florence Pugh as The May Queen from Midsommar! There's fire burning in her eyes and lots of fun symbolism in this brightly colored piece that you can now get over on my Etsy! Check it out by clicking HERE! Man, I hope I can keep this momentum throughout the year. I'm really proud of this one and hope for a lot more of that. Happy 2022, folks!