Friday, August 25, 2017

Vince & Selené.

In 2005 when I was a freshman at the College for Creative Studies, I met a guy named Vince Joy. Vince Joy became one of my best friends in college and we remained close afterwards. Since graduating, I have visited Vince a few times in New York City and now he is back here in Michigan. He is married to one of the coolest girls I've ever met: Selené. You've never seen two people go together as perfectly as these two do. I have enjoyed watching my friendship with Vince grow deeper and have truly loved getting to know Selené because she is wise and wonderful. Anyway, yesterday was their wedding anniversary (the same day as my nephew's birthday). They have been married for 5 years! Selené got ahold of me a few months back and asked if I would make one of the Smorgasboards for them for their anniversary. I was so honored to be asked! I worked at it little by little, but put in a ton of work this past week. I used sharpies and microns (mostly microns) to really get in there and do some insane detail. My favorite part is that church. Fun fact, it took me 3 hours to do it and it's maybe the size of my palm. Yesterday we surprised Vince by showing up to their house to hand deliver it on their anniversary. It was magical. Click to enlarge and check this thing out!