Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Battle.

The Horse Battle. The Battle Royale. I turned that man riding that bloody horse into a hipster. Subconsciously, I must've related that to Matt Benyo. Who knows. I had planned on drawing this entire scene, but it was far too extravagant and elaborate and I underestimated it. Horses are difficult to draw. My favorite part of this drawing is the leg of the guy on the horse. Click to enlarge and see the details!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Tis the season for frights and follies. I love October. I love everything about it. The autumn smell, the crisp air, the crunchy leaves, the apples falling from the trees and the ones that will be turned into cider, the smell of cinnamon in a burning candle, the thrill and anticipation of the fear that builds around the nights, and of course, Halloween. I'm Haunted Housing this weekend and it's been fun so far. Here's a sketch I did; morbidly so. I also painted these Calavera Dia de los Muertos inspired glasses for someone that they in turn gave to someone else for a wedding gift. Painting on glass sucks, but overall I'm happy with the results. Don't mind the terrible quality, but do enlarge for a better view. Happy haunts, boys and ghouls.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Collage Party.

Today, you get 3 for the price of 1. That's an outstanding deal. When I get bored, but don't have any inspiration, I just draw a bunch of these collages. #viciouscycle