Saturday, December 31, 2011

Holy 2011.

2011 Highlights:
- Playing hide & seek and building a fort out of sheets with MB and BC.
- All the jamba juice I consumed.
- Buffy marathons.
- My birthday and meeting Jason Segel.
- X Factor (Matt fulfilling his dream of seeing Cheryl Cole and telling her he loved her and me getting dehydrated and having the world's worst tan line on my chest. Also: Surviving THE RAPTURE).
- Jason getting the Red Wings tattoo I drew for him.
- The little X and seeing Brother Chan graduate from high school.
- Getting my Harry Potter chapter stars tattoo.
- Working Cranbrook with my best friend and our cohorts: Jill and Proma; being bullies at the zoo on the bus.
- Seeing Sia/Ximena, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, and Nicki Minaj .
- Going to Harry Potter world for the first time, having butterbeer, AND seeing the theatrical conclusion to the world's greatest series while crying so much and so hard that my eyes were burning for hours afterwards.
- Going to New York City and surviving Hurricane Irene.
- Having a back to back Harry Potter marathon-turned-wrestling and seeing HP7 at the IMAX in 3D while enjoying treats from Harry Potter world that we snuck in.
- Seeing Real Steel in theatres...finally.
- Being invited for shenanigans at Betsy's cabin with a cameo by 2 Michael Myers and a near drowning incident.
- Haunted housing in A2 and Christmas music starting that night.
- Sib seshing with Shelby and the Riopelle brothers.
- Convincing Matt not to be a pirate & trick or treating with him and Betsy.
- Seeing Russell Brand do his stand up live and having my dreams come true when he kissed me on the lips (still the best moment of the year; hands down). Then I died.
- NYC with Betsy for Anderson Cooper, a run in with Hugh, asking Angelina Jolie a question, staying in a swanky apartment, going to the red carpet premiere, and being in NYC during Christmas time while having perfect weather.
- The Secret Santa party and my amazing gifts from my Secret Santa :)
- Jeremy and Rachel's constant support and their Christmas gift to me.
- All the pizza I ate.
- Playing games a lot lately despite the fact that I'm not doing well at them.
- Russell Brand's divorce.
So, as 2011 ends, 2012 will be spent pursuing him. I spent this year getting closer to the people that were already in my life and weeding out the ones that didn't belong. I read this quote that said: "It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years" and my years are bursting. 2012 IS CARPE DIEM YEAR. It's also my golden birthday so there's no way this won't be a magical year. I'm happy with where I am and hopeful about where I'm going. Let's look back on the year, but look forward to what is coming. After all, we can't #blameiton2011 anymore.