Monday, January 31, 2011

River Phoenix.

Rhiannon and I were talking about River Phoenix. He's in one of our favorite movies, Stand By Me (did you know he was 16 in that movie?), among others and as he got older he got even cuter. He died at the age of 23 from a drug overdose.I created a tumblr which you can get to by clicking HERE. I also added it to the right-hand side of this blog. Why? Because I found way too many pictures with words that inspired me, made me think of people, made me think "ME TOO", and more. All pictures; few words. I'll be posting at least 3 each day and have them set up to post randomly throughout the day so that's something to check out if you're bored.


Matt Benyo said...

I made a tumblr a looong time ago, maybe I should put it to use too?

River's hair in that picture is spot on. I'm semi-inspired. It's very quiffy and aidenish.

Anonymous said...

Cute River is kewt.

- Rhiannon