Friday, April 8, 2011

Lady Gaga.

I entered a contest (thanks to Matt Benyo for informing me). V Magazine wanted art submissions and the winning piece would run alongside Lady Gaga's column (she's their new columnist). Well, I didn't win, but I felt like I made some real illustrative progress with this piece. THAT'S OKAY, V MAGAZINE, I AM A WINNER IN MY OWN EYES AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS. You should leave a comment. The only person who comments anymore is my dad and he does so anonymously...I got this on this LG tumblr! People are liking & reblogging it! HOW EXCITING! :)


Kiki Keller said...

great work!! I hope you win :)

vince said...

chelsea kirchoff. beautiful. this really looks amazing! i can see the progress. in other news, i started painting again tonight. :)
but srsly, looks really killer.

Gitter said...

Awesome! I really dig this, that hair is fantastic.

Anonymous said...


ChrisHoobler said...

great piece! love the hairrrr!!

Unknown said...

I'd leave a comment telling you how great you are at everything you do... but I do that in every comment.

Instead, I'll bring up something random. I'll also tell you how this post made me think of it.

I really like Gaga's eyes in this picture. I thought about why I liked her eyes so much, then determined it was because you made her eyes pop with all of that eye makeup. Then I thought... hmm, Chelsea doing makeup seems familiar,, why is that? Then I thought, the first time I met Chelsea she did my makeup...except it ended up all over my face and was redic.

Basically, If you are such a fantastic artist, you can probably do some awesome makeup if you tried. Judging from the makeup you decorated my face with, you may need to practice first.

I'm tired. Sorry this comment is so scattered :)

Meredith Miotke said...

This is great, Chelsea! I love what you're doing with the face and having the hair line work.

Crayon said...

You're very creative.

Brad said...

i am commenting because this piece is KILLER and not because you told me to. This is so awesome chelsea, if this didn't win what did the one that did, look like?
Great job.

Zack Farough said...

hellyeah to illustrative progress. i love it.

Anonymous said...

I DEMAND A RECOUNT................

Gabi Perez said...

I saw this in fuckyeahladygaga and your blog made me make one. You're terrific!

Nicole said...

Everything you do is pretty gorgeous, that magazine is losing out.

Also, I think it's kinda sweet that your dad leaves comments haha :).

Matt Benyo said...

Dude, this is so good! Her eyes look phenom. And her hair reminds me of spaghetti! lol

I'll have to check out the so called "winner"...