Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This week's pick on The Hallway Show is Christopher Lloyd! I had to go with Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown in Back to the Future. I spent 7 hours on this cut out and got crazy with the textures, but I haven't done a good cut out in a while so I thought this would be the perfect time to do so. I like the progress I'm making with my work lately. I hope it continues! What do you think? Click to enlarge!


Matt Benyo said...

I was going to write "GREAT SCOTT!" as the comment, but then realized that is what you named the post... lol

Looks so good though! I love the graph paper as his coat, since he is a scientist and they use graph paper... lol idk. Makes sense to me!

The eyes look great too.

Anonymous said...

Although I've never seen this movie, this picture is pretty great. Draw me some Jonas Brothers pwease and thank you.
I like this guy's hair.

Kim Raley said...

This looks JUST like him. Great job.

I agree with Matt, he most likely did use some graph paper. Computers weren't as popular in 1955.

Kassandra Heller said...

WHOA, Chelsea, this is amazing! Great textures!

deborah aldrich said...

you are amazing.


Charles George Esperanza said...

this really a leap of progress. i def wanna see more like this.

Anonymous said...