Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Because Valentine's Day was Monday and Rhiannon's birthday was Tuesday, I haven't been able to talk about last weekend. I had the pleasure of being a drawing instructor for Continuing Ed at CCS on Saturday and taught ten 11-15 year olds. We primarily used charcoal (see to the right in the image below), but the third project used sharpies and prisma color pencils to create an imaginary creature. It felt really great to be back in an educational art environment. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. The kids were really attentive, eager, creative and I could tell they liked me; we even ate lunch together like the "Last Supper". My only regret was running out of time. Some of the kids weren't able to finish the third project which I focused on drawing inspiration from their imaginations as opposed to direct observation. They really got into the project. I drew the left one as an example. I really love art and there's nothing better than sharing that love, and my enthusiasm for it, with others.

1 comment:

Matt Benyo said...

Your charcoal drawing looks like a rip.

Like this....