Friday, February 25, 2011

The Legend of Zelda!

I've been doing my past 3 ink works on this envelope from France because it's conveniently next to my computer. The Sibs and I hooked up the Super Nintendo and we've been playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (though my fave is Ocarina of Time) and Super Mario RPG. Fun games + Family Bonding. I'm also a fan of playing Aladdin because I can beat the game in 17 minutes. Here's a little Link!


Anonymous said...

Ocarina of time is also my fav
The picture is really good

Tania said...

I feel bad, I've never really played any Zelda apart from Twilight Princess - it was the first nintendo I owned, not counting a DS...
But this is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Look at that little elf. Adorbs.

My verfication word was fughe?

Kim Raley said...

Aww, he's so cute!

17 minutes? that's impressive!