Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gimme PIZZA!

I was on my tumblr and searched for pizza and got SO HUNGRY looking at photos. I wish I had some pizza in my mouth right meow. I didn't reblog any of the pizza pics; instead, I sat on illustrator for too long and made this. I want pizzaaaaa (like an Olson Twin). Special thanks to RO for helping me with an AI question I had!I'm currently working on the most intricate cut out I've ever made. I started it at 1 in the morning and I'm about half way done. It's small (which I'm kicking myself for), but I think it's going to turn out awesome. Well, I hope it will. I'll post it Thursday!


D. Klein said...


Matt Benyo said...

You got your skin tone right!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get a picture like this for my birfffday. ;)

- Rhiannon

JustinRiopelle said...

uhhhh, it is totes missing pineapples.