Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh Morrissey.

I'm uninspired and I'm listening to The Smiths too much. The reason for the former is probably because of the latter OR maybe the latter is just making me MIZ. I'm almost finished with Catcher in the Rye. My friend, Rachael, showed me this girl's blog: Brittney Lee. She does paper cut outs that put mine to shame. They're inspiring and great. Check them out AND let me know what YOU'RE inspired by at the moment. Maybe that'll help me out of this funk that I've wandered into.


Ben H. Shapiro said...

Yo girl, don't get all MIZ on me now. I need to post some of the stuff I am working on. I have 0 time due to the gosh darn winter Olympics(News sucks). Don't compare yourself to another artist. It won't do you any good and will just make you discouraged( I do it all the time :/). I get inspiration from other students/recent grads. I just got done checking out winners from the recent Society of Illustrators' student comp. Keep that head up and just don't give up. Bye Chelsea!!!

Shelby K said...

Color, color inspires me. I find my inspiration by just sitting down and really thinking, if it comes to be gnarls, if it doesn't better luck next time. I mean I can throw ideas attcha like no tomorrow, but it's up to you to make them into art. OH and stop being miz, it's not a good look for you;)

Jillianevelyn said...

I've been listening to the Smiths lately too.
I find when I get out of the house and go look at book stores or little boutiques I get the most inspired.
also, thanks for sharing that link, her cut outs are amazing!
CHEER UP! your hallway pieces are looking great!

Stephen Donald said...

do a few of your cut outs in her style i was told that doing your thing in the style of many artists helps your skill set. she's good but just think 'im doing my thing' and have a go at hers :)

Brad said...

if the smiths are not doing it for you try the cure! hahah! don't get down, you have to fight through it. when i am uninspired i just flip through my favorite books and absorb all the artsy goodness!

Matthew Byle said...

Chelsea! Get out of this funk because you inspire me with your constant posting! Also just going out for a day and taking a break seems to always do good. We gotta sketch sometime too considering how close you are!

Anonymous said...

get out of this funkhowser. the smiths r great. i like will the best.