Friday, February 26, 2010

Hannah Diamond.

I spent all day reading this really great book called Love From Your Friend, Hannah by Mindy Warshaw Skolsky. It's about this little girl that lives in Grand View, New York in 1937. She's probably eleven; I don't think they say, but her best friend moves away and tells Hannah she will write to her, but she doesn't. Well, Hannah starts writing to her grandma, she pulls this boy's name out of the pen pal box named Edward Winchley, and she even ends up writing to President Roosevelt because she's lonely and wants pen pals. The entire book is the letters she sends out and the letters she gets back. There's also little doodles in it (see below). I'm pretty sure it's a junior fiction but sometimes I just like easy reads that are fun. Anyways, I loved Hannah Diamond (that's her name) and I think you will too if you decide to read it.


Nikki DeSautelle said...

I love junior fiction

vince said...

this looks so great. seriously.

Kaylen Conley said...

ok i'm not stalking you- but your blog is very interesting I love it!
Have you seen the movie Mary and Max? The storyline is very similar; a lonely little girl during that time period who randomly starts sending letters to a pen pal over years. If you haven't seen it I bet you would love it-

Anonymous said...

too nice