Thursday, August 12, 2010

JoBros In Cincinnati.

I went to see The Jonas Brothers. For those of you tuning in for the 1st time (or for those that aren't aware), the JBs are my guilty pleasure. I adore them. This was my 10th show. It was AMAZING. I went with my equally obsessed pal, Rhiannon.

-3rd row tickets (and I was in seat 13 which is my lucky number).
-Free parking.
-Got to stand right at the stage and put our elbows on it (thanks Myles).
-I got the chills twice because the JBs are so incredible.
-The confetti during Lovebug was one of the most magical things I've ever seen.
-Rhiannon and I were one of 12 girls right by the stage.
-When we got drinks out of a machine, it gave us 2 instead of 1.
-Night time noms.
-Making it home safe.

-It was one million degrees (99) and humid. I've never sweat so much in my whole life and I can't believe Joe touched me because of how terrible I looked; legit. There were beads of sweat rolling down everyone's faces and legs.
-The security before we got in made Rhiannon take a camera back to the car.
-Wearing pants.
-Giant fire explosions during "Burnin' Up" made it HORRIBLY hot.
-Thinking it was a good idea to drive back exhausted.
-Almost killing us because of the aforementioned.
-Drinking a 5 Hour Energy.
-Driving an hour out of our way because we didn't think to check the GPS and instead just went where it told us to go. It actually wanted us to go to TN.
-We only had about $60 each.
-Not having enough money to do anything about it.

It's not an adventure without the ups and the downs. That's what I love about Jonas adventures though; they're both good and bad (and usually not very well planned). We decided to go to this show two days before the show. It was great though. Enjoy these photos. 1) Lovebug confetti scene. 2) Nick smiling at my polaroid.

1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

WTF, this should have 100 comments. Look at bby Nick, all smiles. ELBOWS ON THE CAT WALK.