Saturday, November 7, 2009

Party Jars & Ghosts.

I slept in today which is why I'm posting so late. This post is dedicated to Domenic Tucci. He's Shelby's friend. When I started my twitter a week or two ago, I found him and one of his tweets said "Party Jar." I don't know what a Party Jar is, but I decided to make one. So Dom, this one's for you. I also decided to put some ghosts in jars, wrote out of my favorite quotes from Little Miss Sunshine, included what was going to originally be my Danny Devito from a few days ago (huge difference), some sketches, and Nosferatu versus Edward Cullen (Nos wins. Hands down. SUCK IT. Pun intended). I only have 4 pages left in my notebook. YES!


Shelby K said...


Stephen Donald said...

love it XD
Party jar just seems genius!
Its 8pm on a saturday night and i'm in bed tired as though its 4am :O

Send over some party jars!
Keep it up chelsea, ive been slacking the last few days. Run out of ideas i think :(

Nikki DeSautelle said...

I'm the not a party jar on the far right