Sunday, November 15, 2009

My FIRST Tattoo/Robot Forever.

I found out my sister was going to get a tattoo today and she said, "I told Dad I wanted you to come and get one too" and I got really nervous. Everyone was like, "You won't do it!" and "You'll cry like a little baby!" Well, I had to prove them wrong. Alison said this was my Christmas present so we roll up to New Skool Tattoos on Telegraph in Brownstown (GREAT PLACE; shout outs to Mike, Pat, and Phil) where I had gone with my friend previously to get her tattoo. My tattoo of choice was one of my robots. What better to have on me than one of my own? I chose this bot. It's one of my favorites (it's also my user picture on here). I did not scream or cry once. Everyone always asks, "What does getting a tattoo feel like?" and I can now say it feels like getting a shot in your mouth nonstop (except you don't feel the pain in your mouth). It took Pat 20 minutes, but I finished at the same time that Phil finished and in the time that it took Pat to do my tattoo, Alison had managed to get 2 full color tattoos of Paper Mario and Boo. They turned out really great. So, this is my first tattoo. It's 2 1/2 inches tall. I feel like I've accomplished something really great and in a way I did because I am a HUGE BABY and this proves I am fearless and I mean fearless in the "I could ride around on a motorcycle" way. Yeah!


Micaela said...

Great robot choice ChugBoat! I can't wait to see it in the flesh <3

Micaela said...


Kristina said...

love it!

and i stumbled acrossed this tonite...think you'll dig it.

Anonymous said...


Lindsay Parrish said...

Psshh, tattoos feel great. Welcome to the club!

Nikki DeSautelle said...

Whoa! Wasn't expecting this update

Looks great!

vince said...

best surprise ever! i love it.

Ben H. Shapiro said...

So flippin’ awesome.

Chris Houghton said...

Very cool! But I would keep it black and white and skip the color, bah!

Curtis McGuire said...