Friday, November 20, 2009


I've been working on this nonstop for the past 3 days for THE HALLWAY SHOW. I'm finally throwing in the towel. It's SUPPOSED to be The Fonz from Happy Days, but trying to capture Henry Winkler's likeness is near impossible. My favorite part is the zipper. Head over to the blog to check out everyone else's submissions so far!


Jason Curtis said...

Looks like the Fonz to me! I think this is great.

Raechel said...

nice smile

Bo Lumpkin said...

Heeyyyy! Looks like the Fonz to me and if anyone doesn't agree just tell them to "sit on it"

Shelbykirchoff said...

I really like it.

Matthew Byle said...

haha awesome!

Anonymous said...

I like how the eyeballs come out of the shades . whoaaa

Anonymous said...

This is really cool design! I like how u put female's lips and it still looks like him.