Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jack Johnson/Pizza Problems.

For my friend Blake's bday, I combined his favorite Jack Johnson songs into this.Last night, we wanted pizza. Janine ordered it and had it delivered, but I didn't want any confrontation with the pizza guy so I was like, I'm gonna leave a note. Janine told me not to do that, but she was going to bed and Brother Chan wasn't going to get the pizza so the note was the only viable option. I wrote this note, taped the money to the back, and taped it to the door. Brother Chan and I turned off all of the lights in the house. He maintained watch out of the window while I stood at the peephole. The pizza man showed up and walked to the door. Our dogs went crazy; which was good for me because I was laughing super hard. He read the note and when he got to the "I'm watching you" part, he looked around and made this really weird face. He then put the pizza on the bush, opened the door, took the money, did one last look around, and left. Before he left though, Brother Chan creepily cracked the door, stuck his hand out, and snatched the pizza. I was seriously dying. We then decided that when we order from that pizza place again, we have to use our cell phones because you KNOW that guy told them about our note. Thanks pizza dude for being a good sport and not questioning this shady, but successful, transaction!


Jason James Curtis said...

Awesome illustration...what a great concept.

The note for the pizza guy cracked me up. The "No funny business because I'm watching you!" line is hilarious.

Curtis McGuire said...

some real serious home alone shenanigans

tedismyfav said...

OMG Funniest thing ever! Thats totally something I'd do! NICE!

Nicole said...

HAH! That's brilliant. I always use my mobile to order pizza and such anyway (as I have no landline at uni.../fail! lol), but they always seem to be able to trace it somehow or somethin'. They just know who I am and where my house is and all before I tell them! MEGA-creepy! :0
If not for that, I'd have given this a try....maybe using someone else's mobile....