Sunday, January 10, 2010


The next few posts are going to be about anything involving the word IMAGINATION (or imaginarium) and I will explain why, in depth, in my NEXT post. My local library had a big box of books they were discarding and I found this total gem entitled "Topsy-Turvies: Pictures to Stretch the Imagination" by Mitsumasa Anno. It's comprised entirely of pictures. I've snapped a few to give you an idea of what it's about. The best part is the Author's Postscript at the end. Click it and read it. It rules.Today was like Christmas. I went and hung out with a bunch of my friends from school and Micaela & Maria both gave me some really cool things. Mickey gave me this neat little notebook that comes with a pen and Maria got me some really cool different types of paper for my cut outs. I was thrilled beyond words! I love all of my friends and I love get togethers like the one we had this evening. It was a lot of fun.


Gavin Goo said...

That book IS a gem :) Looks really interesting and lots of details. Thanks!

Lee said...

Good find! Lucky girl :)