Friday, January 29, 2010

My Room Part Deux.

This is the last of the "My Room" series. My friend, James Noellert, often draws the space around him. I'm a rookie at it. It was my first time. I used a pen and added the value in photoshop, but I only added it here and there. The adjacent piece was a "happy accident" when I was messing with the channels in photoshop.I went to a Death by Chocolate/Candle Party at Micaela's tonight with Shelby. I got to see a lot of people I've missed and it ruled. There were so many different kinds of chocolate treats; chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate candy, chocolate cookies, etc. I felt sick just looking at it, but it was great. My friend, Lindsay, got 3 vintage leather smelling candles. They smelled like an outlaw.


Anonymous said...

no room in your room. nice

Jason Curtis said...

Well done Chelsea...and don't you just happy mistakes!

vince said...

this is very James of you. looks great though.

Lindsay Parrish said...

Vintage leather smells make me go "WHOOOOMMMMP" hahaha I'm so glad I saw you dude, you are the best :)

Maria Filar said...

james isn't the only one allowed to draw rooms in grayscale vince! i like it chelsea.

sam laggren said...

haha "smelled like an outlaw"? ew. do they really smell that good? i couldn't imagine burning leather smelling that good.

this drawing is great! i really like how you broke up the depth with the different values. it's probably a common sense thing to do that, but i really like how you did it, making the closet interior and the shelf items solid and the hanging clothes a different value.
your observational stuff is great. i think this is my favorite out of your room drawings. plus, the inverted one looks pretty sweet, too. very easy to read and looks nice next to the original.

also, i've been meaning to say thank you for all the comments and kind words you've been leaving on my blog. i really appreciate it! thank you! :)

Tomas said...

My favorite is the left little drawing. You have here a great line art, Chelsea.