Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You Become What You Always Were.

Tis a melancholy day. I just watched the end of Big Fish and cried. That movie gets me every time. I didn't do any art today, but instead, found this picture on my friend Jessica's blog. In a past life, I hung out on these rooftops with Vince Joy all night and we sang songs together until the sun crept up and turned us into stone.


Anonymous said...

Lets go!

Jason Curtis said...

Hiya Chelsea. I just read all your posts that I've missed...I'm just getting back into the swing of things after Christmas.

Great stuff. I'll definitely be visiting this great blog of yours often in 2010, so keep up the wonderful work.

vince said...

nice picture of our old neighborhood. brigid will be there tomorrow night. check out my blog... new work.

Anonymous said...

roof roof the dog says