Saturday, December 19, 2009

Crayons & Cat Naps.

I was catching up on gossip involving the JoBros and Joe Jonas admitted his love for acting along with this fact about himself: "When I was in first grade I did a play about being a crayon. I was yellow. It was pretty amazing. I was in an off-Broadway musical." Really Joe? Was that when you reached your acting peak? As a CRAYON? Here's little Joe (missing a tooth) as a yellow crayon even though he looks kind of elfish. That could be due to the fact that Christmas is in 6 days.I ate some cereal this morning out of a pink bowl which made me feel girlier than usual and I confessed to my father, Charles, that I felt like a used car and that my body was breaking down, but he thinks I'm just being dramatic. I'm not. He then proceeded to tell me I live like an animal and I need to get up early and sleep at night to which I said, "I WOKE UP AT 11 TODAY!" and he said, "Well did you stay up all day?" and I said, "No, I came home and took a nap". Charles scoffed and told me that was my problem, but au contraire, RESEARCH SHOWS THAT NAPS ARE GOOD FOR YOU. How about those apples, Charles?


Bo Lumpkin said...

Just a little advice to you. I am 59 years old and if I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself when I was your age. You have a lot of potential. Harness it and chanell it and let it take you to your dreams. Enough preaching.... I love the crayon boy. You could do a whole comic series using crayon people.

Anonymous said...

haha oh Chels, you crack me up. :)

<3 deborah :)

Anonymous said...