Thursday, May 7, 2009


I started this piece back in January and just got around to finishing it up. I was fortunate enough to actually attend the inauguration with my long time friend, Zack, and what an event it was. I've never been much into politics, but I've always been a fan of history and to say that I was at an event like this was overwhelming for me. I also think the fact that it was an unplanned adventure added to it being overwhelming; in a good way.I did this using ink and a nib and I also used acrylic and cut paper.

The following is from Obama's inauguration speech. It was pretty inspirational/moving to hear it in real life and to be surrounded by over a million Americans, all eager to stand together, and believe as a whole. People eager to believe that things can change and, over time, they will.

In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of shortcuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted, for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame.


Edward of PathGhana said...

I am happy you enjoyed yourself at the inauguration . I had a nice time too. I on the other hand had to travel all the way from Africa just for this celebration. Lets just hope all goes well for the young Obama. Nice piece by the way

Stephen Donald said...

Very patriotic Chelsea :D
Wish I could of witnessed the event, I merely seen a few photographs splashed across the paper and a few words on the TV through passing.

I was at college during the time it was on TV here ..

Nevertheless a Really nice piece :D And awesome attention to detail on the Whitehouse, did it take long?

ChrisHoobler said...

i really like your piece. great ink work :) im gonna miss randomly running into you and hearing "HOOBLER!!!!!" hahah take care!