Wednesday, May 13, 2009

MJ & Wall-E.

I had some extra spots on my senior wall that needed to be filled so I planned on pulling an all nighter last night, BUT exhaustion got the best of me and I fell asleep only to wake up at 9 this morning and FREAK OUT. We had to have our walls finished by noon and I still had 2 pieces to do so I set to work! In 2 hours, I busted out both of these! I apologize for the pictures, but I didn't have time to scan them so I took a quick picture and left to finish setting up at school. Michael Jackson ruled during his Thriller era and Wall-E killed the big screen with his debut. These two characters along with the others I've been posting will be for sale at the College for Creative Studies' Student Exhibition Opening this friday through the end of May. I'm selling the originals in really cool frames for only $80 each! Stop by, see my wall, enjoy the work, and direct people toward it! If nothing else, stop by and say hi! I graduate tomorrow and Friday is the opening so the next post will have pictures of graduation/opening night. I'll come up with a new piece by Monday so stay tuned for that. Enjoy the work and have a fun weekend everybody!


@McFartnuggets said...

I can't wait to see the look on Wall-E's face when he finds Michael Jackson's skeleton.

Sarah Caudill said...

mj seriously turned out awesome!

vince said...

chelsea! you're killing it! love the michael. well done. i will see you tomorrow.

ChrisHoobler said...

these turned out great. for my suggestion, Andrew WK :D

Chris Houghton said...

Great stuff Chelsea! Not to be picky, but I'd love to see you play more with contrasting shapes! Think in terms of a snowman and the idea of having a simple hierarchy of big, medium, and small shapes. Keep up the great work!