Monday, June 6, 2011

Red Wings!

A friend of mine, Jason, asked me to design a tattoo combining the Red Wings winter classic D & the Red Wings logo. It took some re-drawing, but I got it to a spot where we liked it; I even redesigned the winter classic D a bit. The plans came to fruition sooner than I thought because I was invited to go with him to get the tattoo done at Graveyard Ink and they made it pop. No one has EVER taken something I've made and had it tattooed on them (not including myself). To know that someone thinks your work is good enough to have it on them is priceless. I did the finish in Illustrator. I lost the sketch that has the wings logo drawn into the D, but here's the D.I went with JJ & Sarah to Pride Fest in Detroit. We stopped by the Ren Cen which brought back Real Steel memories. We ate at Niki's by St. Andrew's and decided to go to JJ's friend's house in Ferndale (I believe) where I met 3 people: AJ, Matt, and Megan. They were incredible and genuine. There was so much synergy in the house between the 6 of us (AJ went to bed early) and after talking, I found out Matt is actually a designer! He makes fashionable garments out of recyclable products! I was BLOWN AWAY by his work AND he's completely self taught; never taken a class or anything! Check out this youtube video to get the gist of his work! For more info, head to his FB like page. I love getting to know new people and I especially enjoy it when they're good people. I look forward to seeing them again.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOCO LOGO.......

Kim Raley said...

Wow! that is awesome.