Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Legend of Zelda!

Link was picked over on The Hallway Show. The Legend of Zelda games hold a very special place in my heart. My parents started playing Zelda when I was born and we never stopped playing. Brother Chan was playing Zelda before he could even walk. While Ocarina of Time is my favorite and Windwaker has the neatest graphics, I had to pay tribute to the first Zelda by making this pixelated link using TINY pieces of paper that I cut out and assembled. From start to finish, this little monster took 4 hours. That's preposterous! My scanner is down. Here's my process/finish!


N said...

Chelsea, I love this one! Looks so good!That thing on the front looks like it is an interpretive copy and pasting thing. Is that correct? i know I am not an artist and that may hinder my ability to give you a valid comment but I figured I'd try.


Matt Benyo said...

Wow Nate. Way to be an asshole. I'm going to fight you!


But in the reals, this is top notch. Very creative to do pixely Link! Very neat!

Did you paint the background blue?