Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Robert Ross.

Check out this awesomely bad over-the-top cut out. I bet you didn't know that Bob Ross died on the 4th of July. That's a fact. Another fact is that I FINALLY have Russell Brand's Booky Wook 2 in my possession. I'm so excited to read it.


Matt Benyo said...

I do not know who he is.

Kim Raley said...

OMG is this the guy that is on tv random times of the day showing you how to paint mountains and forests and things?? If I'm wrong, please don't let that offend you!

If it is him, this makes me sad. I didn't even know he was dead :(

Kristina said...

True story...I look at this and think - "Jesus! It's Bob Ross!", and then think "Who the hell is Robert Ross?". lol. Saweet cut out kirchoff!

P.S. my captcha word for posting verification is 'lardless'. Just thought you'd like to know.

zack said...

Of coarse Bob Ross died on the 4th He wouldn't of had it any other way Great Job!

Brad said...

LOL! great job chelsea, this is awesome. really dig your collage work!

Anonymous said...

love your collage work! _val_