Monday, May 17, 2010


After patiently waiting, I can finally say that I GOT THE CRANBROOK JOB! I was starting to lose hope! I am SUPER excited. However, I wouldn't have it if it wasn't for: Mickey for recommending me and my three wonderful references (BD, DK, & Carla). I'm looking forward to the opportunity and teaching art to eager students!ED EMBERLEY week continues. I picked up the drawing animals book. That was pretty fun. I also added this little quote/drawing from The Little Prince!


Alisa Bobzien said...

Cheers to you - congratulations!

Jason James Curtis said...

Congratulations Chelsea, this is wonderful news!!

The students will be lucky to have you as their teacher. Best of luck.

When do you start?

Oh, and great Emberley doodles by the way.

vince said...

l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. i love it.

JustinRiopelle said...

good job! lolololol! get it, job?! wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

brezinka said...

Congratulations Chelsea! This is great news, a boost to your confidence I am sure. All the best and I know you will knock em dead. Thank you, for all of your encouraging posts on my blog.