Monday, April 5, 2010

Grandma Bonnie.

My grandma died two years ago today. Her time was cut short by cancer. I've never lost anyone close to me before. I was a mess. I can't thank my teachers and friends enough for being so understanding during that time. I wish my grandma was still around. She always knew what to say to make things right and I miss that reassurance. I miss her smile, I miss her laugh, and I miss her stories. One time, up north, she told us this story about "bloody bones" and I couldn't sleep for a week. Another time, I tried coffee for my first time and hated it. Alison tried it and loved it; she's still drinking it. I tried Sonic for the first time with my grandma in Tennessee; before they were up here (the one up here doesn't compare to the ones in TN. The one up here tastes terrible compared to the ones down south, actually). She loved the little things in life and she was full of so much wisdom. Through my grandma, I learned so much. This is one of my favorite pictures of her. On the left is my mother, Janine, and on the right is my aunt, JoAnn. RIP Grandma. You are deeply missed.


Heather Paske said...

It's great (and therapeutic!) to share good memories to honor family we've lost. Very sweet post, she looks like she was quite the firecracker.

Raechel said...

I love this. <3 Your mom looks just like Alison here and my mom looks just like... well... me! ;)