Tuesday, April 22, 2008

If I Could Be Anyone...

I'd be Slash. Slash is pretty cool and confident. If I was a boy, I'd like to look like him. He's got BA written all over him! I did this a couple weeks ago and realized an update is long over due. Plus, Matt Byle (check his stuff to the right) left me a comment screaming about an update. Slash is made from construction paper and a piece of painted paper (hair). My birthday is Friday! I'm going to be 21!


vince said...

oooh oh oh oh sweet child o' mi-i-ine!!! looks awesome chelsea... your construction paper technique has come a long way. keep up the good work.
"garden state"

Micaela said...

Weeee are friends now on BLOG WORLD U.S.A.


Kristina said...

If i could marry anyone it would be slash.

So i guess that means we should get married. Haha.

Awesome Chelsea. <3 it!

Matthew Byle said...

ahhh I love your paper cutouts they have gotten realllly good. The detail in the jacket is very nice to look at, keep it up!!!